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Just Receive!

I am reminded so often these days in my own life, that I did not deserve, and could not earn what God has given me.  What I really deserve for all the mess in my life could fill a book or two!  What He has given me instead would overload the information highway, and shut down the internet.  How in the world could I get from Him what I didn’t deserve.

 That my friend…is Grace, and Mercy, and Love!  God in the essence of Who He is!

 Did you get that?  Who He is, not what He does.  My response to this kind of love, grace, and  mercy, is to receive the gift of forgiveness, and receive the gift of love. It is to receive Him!

 I can choose not to believe it, I can say it isn’t that easy, I can work to earn it myself, I can just plain ole give up.  But, it doesn’t change the fact that He offers us His life.  Not just to get us into Heaven, but His life to live in us and through us now.

 His power to produce new life in old situations.  His  strength to transform weakened emotions.  Life for death!  Joy for sorrow!  Peace for turmoil!

It has to be too good to be true!

Not on your life!  It was on His life!    Our response…receive!

Do you tend to receive from God or, do you tend to try to do everything on your own?